DARQ follows the story of a young boy named Lloyd who finds himself in an oneiric reality. As he travels through this lucid dream, he becomes painfully aware that efforts to escape are futile, but also that nightmares creep into the world he traverses. As the player, you step in to guide Lloyd through a world where traditional laws of physics do not apply. You will have to learn and adapt to the surroundings where the only constant is that you are being followed.
DARQ will take you on a journey through Lloyd’s dreams that quickly turn into a loop of nightmares. The boy’s main priority is to wake up, but unfortunately, each attempt sinks him deeper into his lucid subconscious-driven dreams. Lloyd has to adapt to the new world, re-learn gravity, strain all of his senses and mind in order to solve puzzles and sneak past the creatures guarding the corners of DARQ.
Will you decipher the true meaning of Lloyd’s dreams?
DARQ Ultimate Edition includes:
1) DARQ – Original Game.
2) The Tower DLC – Lloyd wakes up in his dreams again only to find himself in a Tower filled with many new mysteries, puzzles, and creepy creatures.
3) The Crypt DLC – Another loop of nightmares continues introducing new mechanics and puzzles in a crypt filled with dark surprises.
4) DARQ: Dream Journal: a 60-page graphic novel based on the award-winning video game DARQ. The comic sheds light on the events shown in the game and significantly expands upon the DARQ universe.
What is DARQ? What was the meaning of the game’s ending? What happened to Lloyd and why was he stuck in a dream? This comic answers all of these questions, and more.